Technology, Customers, Markets…
They are all changing faster than ever and businesses are transforming to keep up, or keep ahead. Auto brands are selling services, not just cars. Manufacturers are selling data, not just products. Some businesses are pushing into new territories, others are merging. No sector is immune.
It is a huge challenge for an organization to reinvent itself. As research continually proves, most transformations fail to deliver on their objectives. Organizations revert to their original state, costs creep back up, behaviors don’t evolve and promising pilots don’t lead to institutional results.
The root cause is an organization’s inability to create internal alignment between their structure, their people and their strategy. True change is about people. It requires all employees to understand what a new strategy means for them. To be inspired by it. To be willing to modify habits and behaviors to deliver it. And to feel enabled to make it happen.
Reanda Turkey HR Consultancy Services provides end to end support to organizations who want to transform their business. We help them translate their strategy into something they can operationalize, by aligning both the tangible elements of the organization – people, structure and process – and the intangible elements – motivations, relationships and culture.
This enables us to anticipate and react to evolving markets, drive true behavioral and organizational change – and make it stick.